Wal-Mart, Publix, Oh My!!!
In reading the article by Nada Dabbagh this week I am reminding of my semester taking Inquiries and Measurements. I developed a survey that inquired on employee preferences in workforce training. Firstly, I established by kind they had: In-situ, online, or mobile. Then I asked how they perceived this training, did they feel in was beneficial to them? Some I used social media to help me. I went online to Reddit, and posted the survey, kindly seeking their help for my class. I focused on sub-reddit's that were for Publix and Walmart. I felt like this was a good quick way to garner a lot of information. I for one, did not want to got asking people for assistance. That's for certain.
The feedback i received back was all over the place, from rude to exceedingly helpful. But it was mostly just incomplete data. In cleaning up the data i was extremely limited, out of nearly a hundred participants I think I had 12 usable surveys.
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