
 I am a creature of habit. I do things out of mechanical motion, my eyes could be closed, my posture, most definitely, lacking. I function solely on exercised, memorized motions. It's all one long tedious dance. 1.... 2.... 3.... 

Much of our day-to-day is like this, but habits are not instinct, they require force, the require work, repetition, and execution. At the start of this semester, I had no social media. Now, I have a myriad to feeds driving through my veins like some twisted pop-culture syringe right into the aorta. Buckle up, fool, it's going to be a ride.

Its amazing how quickly up can pick up the habit, a dose here, and dose there, next thing you know you're dosing and aren't even aware. And why does Twitter think I know anything about Nigerian pop-culture? I'm learning... Any moment of can easily be filled. A lull in a movie evolves into browsing r/TIL. It's not all bad, but it can get rather incessant. So, I dialed it back, I did the break challenge. And I would keep reaching for my phone, and have to reprimand my actions. You silly, silly boy. 

This week, I'm finding I having the opposite trouble. I have a general disinterest. But I'm self-admittedly in my final semester, and am more than eager to waltz into just doing work for a spell. And my beautiful, and supportive partner is insisting on a kitchen remodel, and my wallet is sweating just thinking of the prices as I'm scheduling meetings for estimates. So, maybe and most likely, I've just got more going on than I have time to care. Now, I need to work on this paper. 


  1. The algorithms can get you on some wildly random things from Overseas. Best to follow some domestic things ASAP or you will just get overwhelmed. I feel you on the IRL things overwhelming the digital feeds. Breaking it up into a bit each day is the best bet for me at least.


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